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About JCHE

JCHE is a Christian group operating by Biblical principles dedicated to bringing honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ in all its activities.  It is composed of families who have chosen to home educate their families.

Membership is open to any family who home educates their children.  Annual dues are determined on a year-by-year basis based on anticipated expenses from the group. Effective 2019, the JCHE membership year coincides with the State of Missouri's homeschool year, which runs from July 1st to June 30th, and the set annual dues remain the same regardless of which month a family joins; however if first-time-member families join within the last quarter of JCHE's fiscal year (April - June), the membership will roll over to the next school year.

Membership privileges include:

  • Participation in all JCHE activities (age restrictions apply for certain activities).  Only paid members will be allowed to participate in JCHE activities, not prospective members.
  • Free tables (first come first serve) at JCHE used curriculum sale.
  • Access to our secure website that includes calendar, membership directory and email forums.
  • Membership in the JCHE Members private Facebook group (you must request membership)
  • Membership card which provides discounts at select area merchants.
  • Use of the JCHE member code to save on HSLDA membership.


  • JCHE’s membership list is confidential, and names will not be given out to anyone outside the organization for any reason without prior approval of the membership.
  • JCHE Teen Club is available for students beginning the month they turn 13 through their graduation.
  • JCHE Kids Club is available for students who are aged 7 - 12.
  • JCHE membership dues are non-refundable for any reason.
  • Fees for individual activities are non-refundable for any reason after registration closes.